An art gallery is a center for the exhibition, private or public, of various works of art such as paintings, photographs, and sculptures. The exhibition may be temporary or permanent and may be incorporated into a museum or a stand-alone venue. Other than a place of exhibition, an art gallery has its own particularity.

The particularity of an art gallery

Sometimes, the art gallery is underestimated by the cultural site. However, it has two missions: to highlight the art collections of the artists and to help in their marketing. It plays an important role and it stages the artist's work. Therefore, the art gallery is the first place where the works will be seen by the general public. And also, it is the place where the realizations are subjected to the criticism or the appreciation. In short, it has the specificity of putting art critics, artists and art dealers in public. The marketing is a validation of the public for the work of the artist. The sales will allow the places of exhibition to live and to persist in the trade.

The different types of art galleries

In our time, there are several types of art galleries.

  • Contemporary art galleries

The exhibition of modern-day works of art is found here. They have an advantage in boosting the artists' profession.

  • Private art galleries

These are the most common galleries. They form huge groupings between artists and art dealers to exhibit their art collections.

  • Public art galleries

Unlike private art galleries that require an invitation, public galleries are open to the public. They sort visitors according to their value.

  • Virtual art galleries

These are the online exhibition centers. Therefore, they are in full expansion. The artists reveal their realizations on the same platform.

  • Photographic art galleries

They are exhibitions that grant a specific interest to photography. Moreover, several types exist: classical photography, contemporary photography, plastic photography and emerging photography.

The strategy of an art gallery

An exhibition store represents the relationship between artists and buyers who are passionate about sculpture, painting and other works of art. This establishment is run by experienced amateurs, an art expert or a specialist. The latter is willing to inform the visitors and advise them in their choices. In some cities, art galleries are located on the first floor. In order to obtain more information on the artist who is being presented, you must go to the reception desk to get brochures. Some galleries also have a small area to provide the public with magazines, documentation, flyers, a bookshop, etc.