Painting is a passion for many people. Painting, being a vast and extensive medium, requires several techniques to correctly bring out the desired result. Among these techniques, some are easier to master than others. Watercolor is a perfect example. Discovering how to realize this type of painting becomes necessary in this context.

The principle

First of all, it is important to know what watercolor is. By definition, it is a water- based paint that is deposited on paper to place transparent pigments that will later appear as paint. Watercolor can be described as reversible, which means that it can be diluted with water even when dried. Paintings made in this way will be much more fragile and should be handled with care. A good dosage of water and colors must be executed beforehand in order not to make the previous layers disappear. As we are talking about water-based paint, drying will be almost instantaneous and this will make modifications much more difficult. It is therefore necessary to be precise and focused in your movements.

What types of paint?

Watercolor is suitable for the realization of various works, but it is recommended to use it for landscapes. Indeed, a landscape painting will be composed of details and imposing horizons, the mixture based on pigment and water will be able to bring out all these small things when it is dried. The ability to add different colors by layering them on top of each other can also help give your painting a healthier, more natural feel. Painting a tree, a sky or vast spaces will be much easier with water-based paint, it will avoid giving an overly greasy and accentuated effect. It will also give a much deeper optical and visual effect when looking at the final result.

A good use

In order to properly execute your watercolor paintings, you will first need the right material. As it will be an overlay of paint that will camouflage the light, it should be executed on a white support or paper so as not to become too dark. In addition, the support must also be able to withstand moisture in order to be relatively rigid and tense.

Regarding the colors, the final rendering will be achieved through an overlay of several layers. In order to have the desired effect of depth, it is recommended to paint the lighter areas and finish with the darker ones. This is a very suitable technique for outdoor painting, as the tools are simple, practical and easy to carry.